St Nicholas Church Bradwell

  • Church Walk
  • Bradwell
  • Great Yarmouth
  • Norfolk
  • NR31 8QQ

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The bells

Lawrence is our Bell captain and is always looking out for people who might like to come along to practice and have a try at a new hobby ringing bells...


The Bells


7¾ cwt (394 kg)

dia. 33¾ ins. (85.7 cm)

On the crown 3 shields (Richard Brayser of Norwich C.1450)


+ (lions head set in a cross) Dac In Conclave ٱ (lions head) Gabriel Nuc Vage Suabe

“Let Gabriel make sweet sound in this chamber”


9¼ cwt (470 kg)

dia. 37 ins. (94 cm)

On the crown 3 shields (Richard Brayser of Norwich C.1450)


+ (cross) Petrus Ad Eterne ٱ (lions head) Ducat Nos Pascua Vite

“Let Peter lead us to the pastures of eternal life”


10 cwt 19 lbs (517 kg)

dia. 40 ins. (102 cm)

On the crown 3 shields (Richard Brayser of Norwich C.1450)


+ Bikl (lions head) ٱ Iklm Iklm Rsfti No Mbt

“The Lord shall bless his people with Peace”

  • All have plain bearings.
  • The bells are hung in a timber three bell frame made by Messers Day & Sons of Eye in the early 1920’s typical of their design, substantial in construction.
  • Prior to 1920 when George Day re-hung the bells it is thought they were in deed a medieval ring of three.
  • The Tenor was recast in 1919 by Mears & Stainbank, London having had a large visible crack in the crown.
  • Both the Treble and the Second bells have cast in crown clapper staples whilst the Tenor has a modern type of staple and clapper arrangement with a central drilling.
  • The bells are Simpson tuned, the Treble and Second being Maiden but the Tenor is a little flattened. The bells are pitched, in ascending order of size, at B, A and G above middle C.